Dr. Lee has been awarded the 2022 CUR (Council on Undergraduate Research) Fellows recognition, one of two awardees given every other year. The CUR Fellows Award recognizes excellence in undergraduate research and related activities. https://www.cur.org/2022_fellows_awardees/
During the virtual award ceremony on April 21, 2022, Dr. Lee expressed how thankful she is for the precious times spent together with Project Symphony members over nearly two decades. She said "While the award is given in my name, this is really recognition for those Iona students who value undergraduate scholarship and have been enthusiastically involved in research activities with me. I am so very proud of all my past and current students and their accomplishments."
Many former Project Symphony members joined the virtual ceremony and reconnected with each other at the breakout session at the end. It was a memorable event that truly highlights the naming of Project Symphony, that the whole is greater than sum of its parts and its members work together in harmony as a team to achieve a shared goal, just as in a musical symphony orchestra. It's a beautiful sound we are making together.
Kudos to everyone in Project Symphony.
Professor Sunghee Lee
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Iona University
715 North Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
914-633-2638; SLee@iona.edu